Self Love & Sweat The Podcast

My 6 DAILY Feel-Good Habits

Lunden Souza Season 1 Episode 190

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Lunden shares her 6 simple yet effective daily habits that guarantee a boost in mood and overall well-being. Discover how incorporating these feel-good practices into your routine can transform your life. From mindful moments to healthy choices, let's create a happier, healthier you together.

Timestamps to help you navigate this episode:
0:00 Intro
2:46 FREE Self Love & Sweat MONTHLY Calendar
9:51 Daily Morning Routine Essentials
14:38 Physical Activities as a Form of Self-Care
17:53 Sponsor: Magic Mind Mental Performance Shots 20% OFF using code LUNDENLT
24:54 Always Be Learning

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Lunden Souza:

Welcome to Self Love and Sweat THE PODCAST, the place where you'll get inspired to live your life unapologetically, embrace your perfect imperfections, break down barriers and do what sets your soul on fire. I'm your host, Lunden Souza. Hey, have you grabbed your free Self Love and Sweat monthly calendar yet? This calendar is so amazing it comes right in your inbox every single month to help you have a little nugget of wisdom, a sweaty workout, a mindset activity, just a little something, something to help keep you focused and motivated and keep that momentum towards your goals. So every day, when you get this calendar, you'll see a link that you can click that will lead to a podcast episode or a workout or something that will be very powerful and quick to read. And then you'll also see, on the top left corner of every single day, there's a little checkbox in the calendar and what that is is that's for your one thing. You can choose one thing every month, or it can be the same, something that you want to implement and make this something that you can easily implement, like daily meditation or getting a certain amount of steps or water, for example, and staying hydrated and even taking your supplements. This can be something if you want to get more regular doing a particular habit and routine. You can choose what that checkbox means. So if you want your Self Love and Sweat free monthly calendar delivered right to your inbox every month on the first of the month, go to lifelikelunden. com/ calendar, fill out the form really quickly and you will have your calendar in your inbox within a few short minutes. That's lifelikelunden L-I-F-E-L-I-K-E-L-U-N-D-E-N dot com forward slash calendar. Go, get yours for free and enjoy this episode. Happy today and welcome back to the podcast.

Lunden Souza:

Today I want to share some of my daily must-haves, the things that I protect every single day in order to feel my best and feel energized and feel like I have a good foundation to the day. But also they're not just things that I do in the morning. This is not necessarily about my morning routine I've talked a lot about that on the podcast but things that just help me feel really great, help me feel like I can do this, like I got this. It's very easy to wake up in the morning and be on our phones and, yeah, just do all the things for work and for others. And I know and I acknowledge this that I am Lunden party of one, I'm single, I don't have any kids, and a lot of my clients that I work with are not single and they do have kids and they're able to implement things like this and protect their daily must-haves.

Lunden Souza:

Because things like this and protect their daily must-haves because, yeah, you got to fill your cup before you got to fill somebody else's, you got to put your oxygen mask on before you can help somebody else and whether it's something that takes you five minutes, 20 minutes an hour, periodically throughout the day, I think it's important to acknowledge the things that light you up and the things that give you energy and the things that, yeah, are nutrients for you outside of food, right, maybe your daily must-haves, maybe you have, like a green smoothie or something. Right, and part of my daily must-haves do include some things with nutrients. But it's not just about that, but what feels nutritious for your mind, your body and your soul. What are the things that you absolutely can't not do within your day? Or else it's like you're going on autopilot you're just starting the day, all the things and before you know it, you get to the end of your day and you're tired and you're exhausted and you don't feel productive and all the things. So I'm not claiming to be perfect here, but I think that I definitely know the power of protecting things within your day-to-day, and scheduling them and setting alarms and timers in your phone to make sure that you do them is super powerful. So I have six things that I've written down here that I like to check off every single day.

Lunden Souza:

The first one, my first daily must have, is actually kind of a three-parter, but it's prayer, meditation and visualization. It is connecting with source, the universe, god, a higher power, and having that conversation. Having that dialogue about the struggles, about the strengths, about the areas that you want to clean up in terms of limiting beliefs, in terms of things that you know are getting in the way of living life full out and, yeah, reaching your full potential. Oftentimes our biggest and, yeah, reaching your full potential, oftentimes our biggest roadblock is ourself, is our own mind, is what we say to ourselves, and everything we think isn't true. Our thoughts are just there to protect us. They fire and wire and things come in and if we don't take the time to be the bouncer of our thoughts and stand at the door of what is true and say, nope, nope, I am not this, this is not how I feel about this person, or I am good enough, or we have to be the bouncer of our own thoughts here and so in the morning I always start my morning off with prayer and meditation and then visualization right. Prayer is talking to God, universe source. Meditation is listening, tapping into nothingness, becoming the observer of our thoughts, so powerful. I want to go through this podcast fairly quickly, so I will say I am a very much.

Lunden Souza:

I practice daily the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza. If you haven't heard of Dr. Joe Dispenza, I highly suggest you go to YouTube, type in Dr. Joe Dispenza and watch every single interview that you can find. His work is incredible and he has proven time and time again I've gone to many advanced week-long meditation retreats that we have the feeling ahead of the experience. We can't wait for things outside of us to change in order for us to feel different on the inside. It doesn't work that way. We think it does. We're conditioned to think that it does right, that we have to get the job or the partner or the money or whatever in order to then feel happy, the apology, right? Some people are waiting for somebody to say sorry their whole life so that they can feel better, and it's like you might not ever get that. So the feeling ahead of the experience. So I highly recommend the work of Dr Joe Dispenza. I'm obsessed. I meditate with him every day. I watch his YouTube videos all the time. I love conditioning myself with his work.

Lunden Souza:

Visualization so closing your eyes and just asking yourself, like, how would my best self show up to today? And I know that we can't always know exactly what's going to happen, but for the most part today I know what my schedule looks like, I know who I'm going to interact with, right, so, closing my eyes and just visualizing myself walking through my day, how my best self would show up. And prayer, meditation, visualization that's number one, whether it takes you 15 minutes or an hour and 15 minutes, whatever time you have. I've been really trying to make that the first thing that I do in the morning. In fact, I've been doing that in the sauna, at Hot Works, before I start my workout. So, yeah, I'm in the sauna doing my meditation, praying, doing my visualization, all of that. Yesterday I did my meditation on a rock because I was walking outside and went for a walk and then sat there and put my headphones in and did a meditation.

Lunden Souza:

So it doesn't have to be always the same and perfect every single time, but create time for that. Create time to talk to God, to source, to universe, and to listen and to visualize what's going to go down, so that way you're not on autopilot, feeling like you're pulled by the world to do all the things and you haven't yet prepared your mind, body and heart for this. And I say this from a place of having done this a lot and also having not done this a lot, I know what it feels like to wake up, grab the phone, get on autopilot, and it's just not as great as making the time to do what we need to do to set our day up for success. So that's the first one.

Lunden Souza:

The second one of my daily must-haves is movement, whether it's a workout, a walk, dancing preferably something outside and or in the sauna. So that's why I love working out at Hotworks. It's like my favorite thing in the whole world. I love training at Hotw orks in the sauna, but getting movement in right. This doesn't mean that I'm working out seven days a week and strength training, no, it's just movement, even if it's 10 or 15 minutes, opening up my heart, getting outside, breathing the fresh air, doing arm circles, doing torso twists, like getting into my physical body, right, so many people just wake up, get ready, sit down in the car, sit down in their office. And this needs to be intentional movement. Right, we're moving throughout the day. Even I have clients, like I said, who are parents. They're chasing after their kids all the time. Yes, that is movement, but intentional movement, saying I'm going to do this for me to awaken my physical body and tap in to myself. Right, getting into our physical body. Movement. That is definitely something every single day. I can't not do so very powerful to tap into our physical body.

Lunden Souza:

Number three, my daily must-haves is a lizard break. So I do live in Utah, so it's not always going to be sunshine and rainbows. It's been so beautiful this summer and fall but, yeah, a lizard break is getting outside, in the sun, getting outside and just getting sunshine on my skin. It feels so good. I call them lizard breaks because, yeah, I don't know if you've ever seen a lizard. It goes outside, it positions itself on a rock and it's just very still and it just stays there and it just stays there and it soaks in all the vitamin D and all the nutrients from the sun and it's so beautiful to watch. I think growing up my brother had a lot of like lizards and geckos, so you would have, like, the lamp on top of the cage and they just like go right under the lamp and stay there. And so, yeah, I like to do a quick lizard break. I don't know, sometimes it's three minutes, sometimes it's five minutes.

Lunden Souza:

The other day I walked out the back door of my office, found some sunshine and just sat there, set a timer for seven minutes and just let the sun soak in and just focused on my inhales and exhales. You'd be so surprised at how even just a few minutes of a lizard break can totally change the game, even in the morning. You know the sunrise has been pretty late here in Utah this season, but even in the morning, getting the sunlight into your eyeballs right there's a lot of research behind this. Getting natural light in your eyes as soon as you can in the morning helps our circadian rhythms, helps us have more energy throughout the day and also helps us sleep better at night. So sometimes, well, the way that the sun rises where I live at my house, the sun doesn't come in my front yard, it comes in like this sliver across the street on the sidewalk. So sometimes I'll walk across the street and just stand in the sun and look at the light Not directly, but try to get that sunlight in your eyeballs for some minutes and just stand there and have like a little morning lizard break. I love having multiple lizard breaks when I can and it's so good for us to get in the sunshine.

Lunden Souza:

Number four my supplements. I have the supplements that I take regularly. I love supplements. I think they're amazing and I mean I can speak from my perspective. I do my best to have the healthiest, most nutrient-dense foods I possibly can, and I know for a fact I'm not getting in the variety and all the nutrients that I need from my diet alone. I just know, last night, for example, it was just yeah, a full day. I got home I had an almond butter sandwich, took a bath and went to bed. Right, that was carbs and fat and a little bit of protein, but like no greens, I didn't have a ton of veggies yesterday. So yeah, I love my supplements. I love every single thing that I take. I take everything that I take regularly and getting on a good supplement routine is very potent, very powerful. I've done episodes on this on the podcast about supplements you need in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, all the things. So I think it's so important to get on a good supplement regimen and be consistent with your supplements and I won't get in specifically to all the things that I take. I've done other episodes and stuff before on this but take your supplements and take them regularly. It's not enough to take them every now and then. It's not enough just to take them when you remember. If you keep forgetting, figure out a way to remember. Put sticky notes on your cabinet that says take your supplements, or set an alarm in your phone that just goes off at the same time every morning to do that right. It's very, very important that we are taking in nutrients and taking them in regularly. In fact, supplements become even more effective when we take them regularly. So get on a good supplement routine.

Lunden Souza:

Hey, really quick, I want to tell you about something that's been a total game changer for my morning routine. That is Magic Mind Mental Performance Shots. I've been taking these little shots for a while now and let me just say they pack a powerful punch in such a small bottle. I've been taking them for a few months now and I just love the way that they taste. I love the energy clarity focus that I get from them and I'm about ready to give up caffeine completely coming up here very soon and so I know that having my magic mind in the morning is going to help with that extra oomph and not be as abrasive as coffee and pre-workout and some of the other highly caffeinated things I've been ingesting. And first of all, like I said, the flavor of these Magic Mind shots is completely amazing. It's smooth and refreshing, so it feels like a little treat every morning. But what I really love are the benefits. It's packed with all the good stuff like matcha, which gives me a natural energy boost without the crash. Nootropics like Lion's Mane and Bacopa Monori. I hope I'm saying that right, I'm just reading things directly off the label, but this keeps my brain sharp and focused and adaptogens like Ashwagandha, to help reduce stress and keep me calm, even on the fullest days. I've definitely noticed, like I said, an increase in my focus and productivity. It helps me stay in the zone, whether I'm coaching, podcasting or just getting through the things throughout my day. So if you're looking for a little extra boost to your mental game, I highly recommend giving Magic Mind a try. You can get yours at magicmind. com/LUNDENLT. That's magicmind. com forward slash L-U- N- D- E- N- L- T. And you can use my code LUNDEN LT 20 at checkout L- U- N- D- E- N- L- T two zero at checkout, and this will give you a nice little discount on your magic mind shots and, yeah, they're freaking delicious. So give you a nice little discount on your magic mind shots and, yeah, they're freaking delicious. So give them a try.

Lunden Souza:

Um, number five for me specifically is connecting with my best friend, kara. Um me and Kara, she was my neighbor when I grew up in central California. Um, yeah, we were friends for a really long time and then in fifth grade she moved away and, yeah, we recently reconnected after her husband passed a little over. Well, yeah, we reconnected a couple years ago or a little over a year ago, and we talk every single day, every single morning, we check in with each other, we send each other audio messages and just feeling connected and reaching out to someone and sharing your thoughts. We'll often talk about what we dreamt about. We'll share little clips or YouTube videos from Abraham Hicks, who we love, which is something about the next point I'll talk about.

Lunden Souza:

But we just kind of unpack with each other and it feels really good to know that there's somebody that doesn't judge me and loves me unconditionally and is always there for me, no matter what. She's been such a powerful friend and such a beacon of love in my life. I know she'll eventually be on the podcast at some point, but yeah, she lost her husband over a year ago a very tragic situation and the way that she still loves and the way that she still shows up for herself and others and the way that she just still loves God and loves the universe and loves the magic that is this life and still believes in possibility is so beautiful and so I'm so grateful for her as a friend and we talk every single day. In fact, it's kind of weird when her and I don't talk. We usually tap in with each other first thing. So having that person that you can just be unapologetically, authentically yourself, the person that's in your corner and just is cheering you on and is there no matter what, is just so powerful and so she's part of. It's kind of like another supplement, is like vitamin Kara. Having her and just chatting with her every day is so powerful and so she's part of. It's kind of like another supplement, is like vitamin Kara. Having her and just chatting with her every day is so powerful.

Lunden Souza:

And then the last thing is learn something new. I have this acronym, abl, that I always say, which is always be learning. It's so important for me to learn something new every day, whether it's something new about somebody or a different scientific fact, or learn something. Yeah, I just always want to be learning. I think if we're not learning and we're not growing and we're not evolving, we're dying. And there's so much new research and so much going on, and I love learning about the brain. I love learning about brain and heart coherence.

Lunden Souza:

But specifically, the way that I learn mostly each day is through Abraham Hicks, another person I highly recommend. If you don't know who Abraham Hicks is, to just do a quick YouTube search. She has these really amazing video clips. They're cartoons and it's audio from different events that she's done. And, yeah, me and Kara send each other these clips pretty much every single day and they're like 14-ish 15 minutes. So I listen to those usually when I'm getting ready to go to the gym and then when I'm heading out to go to the gym, just listening to it and tapping in. I love the things that she says, I love the insights that she shares and, yeah, I would say the work of Dr Joe Dispenza and the work of Abraham Hicks highly recommend. 20 out of 10 recommend that you finish this podcast and immediately go to YouTube and watch everything from both of them. Make that your mission over the next, the rest of this year or the next month. Your world will profoundly change.

Lunden Souza:

So, yeah, those are my daily must-haves. So yeah, those are my daily must-haves, ways that I feel energized, inspired, focused, ready to conquer the day. Also, like I said before, I'm not perfect. I don't always do these every single day, but most days, and I have them saved on my phone. I love timers in my phone that remind me when to do things and when it's time. So yeah, the six ones Number one is the prayer meditation visualization. Number two, movement. Number three, lizard breaks. Number four, supplements. Number five, connecting with my friend Kara. And number six, learning something new.

Lunden Souza:

If there's something you would add to this list or something that inspired you from this list, or maybe there's things that for you, are a daily must-have, I always want to hear your reflections on these podcast episodes. You can send me a DM on Instagram @lifelikelunden L-I-F-E-L-I-K-E-L-U-N-D-E-N. I love creating these podcasts and I love even more when you reach out to me with any reflections. If this podcast spoke to you, share it with a friend. Take the link and send it to a friend via text message or WhatsApp and just say, hey, listen to this, check this out. What do you think it's the best gift you can give this podcast is to give us a review. Share this with somebody.

Lunden Souza:

I'm only one person and I can only do so much, and I love creating this podcast. We've been doing it now for four and a half years, which is bananas, and I couldn't do it without all of your guys' support. So I hope you have a really beautiful day and don't forget to plug in time to pause, turn off that autopilot. We don't have to do all the things on overdrive, a million miles an hour. Take the time for you and love you. Have a beautiful day and see you at the next episode. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Self Love and Sweat THE PODCAST. Hey, do me a favor. Wherever you're listening to this podcast, give us a review. This really helps a lot and share this with a friend. I'm only one person and with your help, we can really spread the message of self love sweat and change more lives all around the world. I'm Lunden Souza, reminding you that you deserve a life full of passion, presence and purpose, fueled by self-love and sweat. This podcast is a Hitspot. Austria production.

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