Self Love & Sweat The Podcast
Welcome to Self Love and Sweat The Podcast with Life Coach Lunden Souza. Self Love & Sweat The Podcast is the place where you will get inspired to live YOUR life unapologetically, embrace your perfect imperfections, break down barriers and do what sets your soul on fire! Lunden Souza is a former personal trainer turned International Online Life Coach & Master NLP Practitioner. She is passionate about positivity and helping YOU get out of your comfort zone! Are you absolutely serious & ready to get off the hamster wheel and UP-LEVEL your life? Are you ready to live a life full of FREEDOM, LOVE & ABUNDANT ENERGY? Tune in and find out how.
Self Love & Sweat The Podcast
Moving Abroad
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Lunden reflects on moving abroad from California to Austria 6 years ago and why, despite the struggle, it was the best decision she could have ever made in her entire life!
UPDATE: Lunden has since moved back to the USA to be closer to her family and loved ones. Check out this episode to learn more about this journey: Episode 49: Transition & Resiliency (1 year back in USA)
Timestamps to help you navigate this episode:
(0:00) Intro
(1:07) Moving from california to Austria
(2:00) Should you move abroad?
(3:33) Deciding to move to Austria
(6:00) Moving for work and love
(8:18) Best Advice when moving abroad
(12:11) Saying goodbye to my parents
(14:25) The first 6 months
(23:00) Mood swings. introverted & being kinda "bitchy"
(27:00) My immune system had to adapt
(30:00 ) I was scared to go back to California
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One-On-One Life Coaching & NLP with Lunden:
Connect with Lunden:
IG: @lifelikelunden
YouTube: https://youtube.com/lundensouza
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lundensouza/
Twitter: @lifelikelunden
Use code LUNDEN25 for a discount on Snap Supplements: https://bit.ly/snapsweat
Podcast Sound Design Intro & Outro: https://hitspotaudio.com/